Volunteers Report

The Volunteers Report is all about the volunteers who have been registered.

When first viewing the report the date range will default to the previous month. For example, if viewing the report in February, the report will display data from 1st January to 31st January.

To amend the date range, simply click Amend Date Range and select a new date range.

Where are our volunteers registering?

Here you can quickly see where your volunteers are registering – are they being registered by your Volunteer Centre team or are they self-servicing by registering on your website?

What is the demographic breakdown of your volunteers?

This part of the report will help you to answer questions such as:

  • Are more Males than Females registering? 
  • What’s the average age group for your volunteers? 
  • Do your volunteers have any disabilities? 
  • What’s the reason for your volunteers to start volunteering?

Refining the report with tags

You can apply tags to filter a report to only include data with the selected tag/s applied.

Exporting the report

To view the raw data for more analysis, click the Export button which will download a CSV file to your computer/device.