Campaigns Overview

The ‘Campaigns‘ module works rather like MailChimp, for anybody familiar with that application.

Under the Campaigns menu option there are 3 options:

Under the ‘Campaigns‘ option, you can create a new Campaign or work with existing Campaigns.

Note: When you choose ‘Add Campaign‘, you will be required to choose the List to which the Campaign will be sent, although this can be changed once the drafting process has started.  Therefore, the first thing you should do is go to the ‘List’ option and click on ‘Add List’.  You can either:

  • create a generic list with no Contacts or perhaps just yourself as a Contact, that you can always add when initially creating a new Campaign, or
  • create a List specific to this Campaign, again, this can be empty to start with, but you must have a List name.

It is recommended that if you use a generic blank list, it has a name starting with ‘A’ as all your lists (in due course) will appear in an alphabetic dropdown when adding new Campaigns.  This would make your generic list easy to find.

Now you can go to the ‘Campaigns‘ tab on the left.