Campaigns – List tab
On the Campaigns main page, the second option on the left is ‘Lists’. Here you can ‘Add List’, view, ‘Edit’, to add to and / or ‘Delete’ Lists.
The main listing shows, not only the Name and Description (that you may have added) but also the number of subscribers to the List. This will be reduced from the number added to the List if someone unsubscribes.
To add a new List, click ‘Add List’. Just a Name and Description are needed at this stage.
By clicking on the List Name you will be able to see the Subscribers to the List and can add to it here by choosing ‘Add Contact’ or ‘Add Organisation’.
Alternatively, you can bulk add emails to your List from either Contacts or Organisations > ‘Bulk Actions’.
There is also a tab here to view those who have unsubscribed, ‘Unsubscribes’, and a tab to view ‘Suppressions’ which means those whose email has bounced.
Lists can be edited or deleted from within the List or from the listing page. The ‘Edit’ option allows the Name and the Description to be changed.