Adding a New Campaign
On clicking ‘New Campaign’, you will see a pop-up that asks for some basic information. The Name you enter here will, by default, become the Subject line of your email, but this can be changed later.
Enter the name of the person from whom this Campaign be from and their email address (this is so you can be drafting for someone else’s campaign).
Templates will be discussed later. This can be left blank.
A Campaign List must be chosen here…see Note in the Overview.
Click on ‘Save’.
There are now 3 steps to creating or editing a Campaign and you are able to move between the options in order to draft, edit and finally send your Campaign.
On Save you will be taken to Step 2 – ‘Message’, although the information above can be edited in Step 1 – ‘Settings & Recipients’.
To edit the setting you have just entered…see Campaigns – Settings & Recipients
To design the Campaign see Campaigns – Message (Designing a Campaign)
To find out more about the Send options see Sending a Campaign