Campaigns – Message (Design overview)
There is a lot of flexibility when designing a Campaign. From page width, colours and fonts to images, columns and menus.
The Message step offers a large variety of options. The left panel of the screen shows the developing Campaign email, while the right panel shows the content and formatting options.
The page should be made up of Blocks (or rows), each being made up of either a single or multiple Columns.
On the right, when ‘Content’ is selected (default on arriving at this page) you can drag in the ‘Columns’ icon to add a Block and then decide how many columns for this row.
Note: It is recommended that, for emails to contain complex layouts, ‘Blocks’ and ‘Body’ are designed and added first, before returning to ‘Content’. (Blocks are synonymous with rows.)
When ‘Blocks’ is selected, you have the option to add blocks with different vertical arrangements, directly into the page.
…for example, you may wish to have a section of 3 columns…
Once a Block (or row) is in place, you can add Content sections; columns, text, images etc., by dragging and dropping from the ‘Content’ section on the right, into the left panel, into any of these columns.
When ‘Body’ is selected on the right, defaults can be set for the whole document, including colours, fonts and content width.
‘Content Width’ allows the width of content blocks to be less than the entire width of the page.
There are so many options here, it is recommended that you start simple and use the default settings until you become more familiar with the options.